According to the World Health Organization, coronary heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of human death worldwide.
Total annual direct costs were estimated:
Cost of treatment for one patient with acute cerebrovascular accident:
The emergency and delayed therapeutic effects of the SELF-RESCUER, which are provided by the unique composition of the used gas mixture, give the patient a reserve of time to receive the opportunity to provide specialized emergency medical care.
The use of SELF-RESCUER reduces the risk of complications following acute vascular catastrophes, protects the development of cascade pathophysiological processes in damaged organs and the body as a whole, minimizes the area of focal damage to ischemic tissues.
The healing properties and effects of the SELF-RESCUER will increase the survival rate of patients with acute vascular pathology, which is the most frequent cause of mortality in the world.
The SELF-RESCUER is used when the first signs of an acute disturbance of cerebral or coronary circulation occur, as well as in the presence of “minor” symptoms of myocardial infarction (pre-infarction, unstable angina pectoris) or stroke (microstroke, transient disorder of cerebral circulation, etc.)
It can be used both as self-help and as mutual help at home and in public places.
The SELF-RESCUER is a cylinder with a special breathing gas mixture of original formulation. Relief of signs of brain injury and coronary blood circulation occurs through the inhalation of a mixture of gases by the person through an oxygen mask.
One cylinder of the SELF-RESCUER is designed for a 20-30 minutes utilization (depending on the volume of the person’s lungs).
The device of the SELF-RESCUER presents emergency and delayed therapeutic effects:
The SELF-RESCUER is an innovative device that has no analogue on the world market.
An estimated 110.55 million cases of coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases were reported in 2015.
More than 16 million cases are reported for the first time each year.
At a cost of a cylinder of $ 300 for 1 piece – world market is estimated at $ 240 billion.
The device developer – innovative company working for the development of medical equipment and methods of influencing the body having geroprotective (slowing down aging) effects.
The company specializes in the research, development and differentiated application of technologies for non-medical health effects on humans, the development of rational combinations and the combinations of innovative and traditional physiotherapeutic agents that ensure the synergy of their sanogenic effects on a healthy body and in case of typical gerontological diseases.
Geroprotection is a scientific direction in medicine and physiology, which includes the study of aging patterns at the general body and cellular levels and the development of preventive and therapeutic methods to reduce the aging rate.
In 2020 the developer with the support of the Foundation for the support of international projects launches mass production of the SELF-RESCUE device. The product promotion strategy includes entering international markets.
We invite partners who provide the following services to cooperate
The project is financed by own investments.