Veronica Orlova Fedorovna
Competence-centered tasks (CCT) as a new approach to the formation of key competences at school

Mentor of Republic online course “Formative assessment” for ELT
Member of the Commitee BelNATE, the Belarusian Association of Teachers of English 
Head of Mozyr regional community of English language teachers 
Participated in the International Media Literacy Camp 2018, FOJO: Media Institute, Kalmar, Sweden (26-30 March 2018) and a number of International Conferences (Kiev, Ukraine), Teaching Grammar Communicatively Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) – AE E-Teacher Global Program (October 2017) etc.
I organize lectures, open classes and seminars for teachers both in the region and around the Republic of Belarus. 
I also prepared the winners of The Republic Olympiad in the English language, and received two Presidential awards for the contribution into the development of the abilities of gifted students ( in 2013 and 2014).


Job title:

Head of Mozyr regional community of English language teachers, teacher of English and German

Academic title:

Manager of secondary educational establishments

Name of the school/institute:

Mozyr Secondary School №14


First of all, this Forum is a great opportunity for me as a representative of my country to share the ideas and my experience with teachers from all over the world!

Secondly, it’s an amazing chance to discuss the things that worry educators– what and how to teach so-called “Generation Z”, to keep them motivated and interested in something besides IT and gadgets.

Thirdly, I believe that I’ll enrich my teaching experience and will be able to bring the latest teaching techniques and innovative ideas to my Belarusian colleagues for them to see what is going on in other countries and improve the educational system in our country