Manahil Jamal
1. Making mathematics more meaningful 2. Developing and using creativity in learning

-VAK teaching
Learners are divided into three main types: visual, audio and
kinesthetic. Of course, it is impossible to gather learners of the same
type in one class, but a teacher can take this fact into account
presenting information. Some students need to see new data, the second
ones — to hear and the third ones — to feel. That means that the same
material should be presented in different ways. Each student will
percept his amount of new information, while the others will have a
chance to repeat what they have already learned.
- Observe, modify, and reevaluate.
I walk through the classroom as students work on problems and observe
the dynamics. I talk with them individually and include “hinge
questions” in my lessons plans to gauge understanding before continuing.
In response to which, I can make decisions to go faster or slower or put
students in groups.
-Project-Based Learning
PBL uses collaboration, digital tools, and problem solving skills to
come up with a solution to the problem presented. It makes school more
engaging for students, improves learning and makes teaching more
enjoyable and rewarding.


- Making mathematics more meaningful 
- Developing and using creativity in learning


- Learn adaptation skills

- Learn new teaching techniques