TTU assistant head of education and training department
Dear Guest of Honor, chairperson, coordinators of the forum, members of IPF, and all other participant Ladies and Gentlemen, Protocols are observed. On behalf of Tanzania Teachers Union (TTU) I’m here also to convey much greetings from Tanzanian teachers, they all acknowledge the forum and the way you organize this big event in the world for betterment of the education sector.
Your Excellency guest of honor.
In Tanzania education sector has continued to grow however there are still challenges to address including inclusive education, overcrowding of students in schools, not well equipped teachers coupled with low motivation and poor learning environment. Furthermore there are macro issues affecting education sector, as follows;
Education is a public good and the state has duty to provide for quality education for its citizen. The existing investment in education given the fee free policy in Tanzania has not only exuberated the already few and crumbling infrastructure problem but has also created a massive challenge to already few teachers to handle excessive enrollment. Learning outcomes are not reached not attained. Students are the classes but the learning outcomes are barely achieved.
Due o competing sectors the government needs to allocate at least 16-20% of its GDP to education. However, the government through budgetary allocation, education sector has not been given adequate funding for its development and growth hence the sector is lagging behind.
One is to share educational issues with other delegates and to find out the way of solving or facing education challenges in different countries, another is to be one of the good ambassador concerning activities of IPF (Education Pedagogical Forum) on education programs in the world and last is to expand my geographical knowledge and increase relationship in behalf of my Country with other Nation.