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The best teachers from all over the world
will be involved into IPF∙2026
and will share their experience
These are the best school teachers from all over the world
Valentina Lamaj
Prezantin nëKonferencën e parë rajonale të ELTA –s “Supporting English Language Teacher & Learners. Kategoria e ...
Eliverta Zeqo
I possess very good communication skills and ability to work in groups; very good cooperation and socialization skills and ...
Dhurata Myrtollari
Mrs.Myrtollari have been finalist and winner of the annual National Teacher Prize, organized by the Albanian Coalition for Education, the Ministry ...
Dr. Manjola Lumani
Dr. Manjola Zaçellari (Lumani) is a full-time lecturer in the Department of Albanian Language at Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës. She holds ...
Erviola Konomi
My title is Specialist of Education- math and Innovative teacher. I am a mathematical and informatics teacher of 15 years at the high school and I ...
Irida Hoti
Dr. Irida Hoti is a twenty years experienced Language Teacher, Lecturer and Researcher, specialized in Applied Linguistics and Academic Writing.\nI...
Liljana Luani
I am a primary education teacher in ‘Pashko Vasa’ school, in Shkodra, Albania. I have been working as a teacher for 38 years, but since 2005 I volu...
Lindita Lohja
I am a teacher of Physics and Technology from 17 years and on.. I am a mother of 2 sons and I like to be more close to my students and be a facil...
Majlinda Alillari
The teacher have been finalists and winners of the annual National Teacher Prize, organized by the Albanian Coalition for Education, the Ministry o...
Mimoza Gjokutaj
Prof.dr. Mimoza Gjokutaj is a 40 years proffessional and academic.\nShe directed for 25 years the Pedagogical Study Institute in Tirana.\nShe is a ...
Orjana Osmani
The teachers have been finalists and winners of the annual National Teacher Prize, organized by the Albanian Coalition for Education, the Ministry ...
Petrina Blushi (Mataj)
I am Petrina Mataj, a 28 year-old computer teacher at the Qemal Stafa high school in Tirana, Albania. In 2013, I won the "Novator Teacher of the Ye...
Valbona Rustemi
The teachers have been finalists and winners of the annual Nation Teacher Prize,( for Pre-Elementary Education),organized by the Albanian Coaliti...
Valbona Shkëmbi
I m activ teacher in eTwinning , CodeWeek Eu , Microsoft Innovatore Educations , Edu-Arctic , European Schoolnet Academmy and I have been honored...
Aida Elyazova
I am an EFL teacher at Samukh secondary school, TEA alumna 2015 ( The Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program is sponsored by the U....
Gamar Rustamova
Best Teacher of the Year in 2010 and in 2015 with the award of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan; Certificate of Honor by the Ministry of...
Hijran Huseynova
Senior Teacher of English, Baku Slavic University Life-long Member of Azerbaijan English Teachers’ Association\nI am the first Vise-President of A...
Humay Adanali
SHE is an EFL teacher at Ganja secondary school #14,Azerbaijan. AzETA ( Azerbaijan English Teachers' Association) Ganja branch manager . Alum...
The Best Teacher of the Year - by the president of the Azerbaijan Republic ( 2011)\nMedal of PROGRESS -by the president of the Azerbaijan Republi...
Nushaba Bakhsiyeva
\nEnglish Teacher, Supervisor, School №60 in Baku Best Teacher of the Year with the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2011) A...
Ragsana Mammadova
Secondary Principal, European Azerbaijan School, Founder & President of AzETA (Azerbaijan English Teachers’ Association)\nListed in Marquis Who...
Saadat Hasanova Mazahir
Teacher of School #4. AzETA (Azerbaijan English Teachers' Association) Goygol Branch Manager. Certificates: of Honour for exemplary work by: ...
Sevinj Rashidova
I am a CELTA certified English teacher, specialized in Academic Reading and Writing. I was an IETEFL presenter in 2012 in Glasgow, Scotland. ...
Solmaz Suleymanova
\nEFL teacher at School №238, Baku First place of the Year “Technology of Education” by Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan (2012) Best Teacher of...
Burkina Faso
Mr. Appolinaire NADEMBEGA
Certified English teacher at Garango County High School Organization of English Club in my school Participation in training session and on...
Mr. Albert ILBOUDO
Certified Professor of History and Geography of High Schools and Colleges at Nobili High School / Professeur Certifié d'Histoire-Géographie des Lyc...
professeur certifié des lycées et collège Twelve (12) years of teaching in the classes of 4th, 3rd, 2nd C, 1st and held in physics chemistry. ...
Mr. Pierre Clovis NITIEMA
professor Creation of an online course for the management of fauna and flora Creation of a landscaping FOAD, landscapers and ecologis...
Certified teacher of high schools and colleges I am a teacher 6 years ago. I teach the sciences of life and earth. During this time I parti...
Mr. Hamadé Albert ILBOUDOU
French teacher at the Lycée Philippe Zinda Kaboré of Ouagadougou Professeur de Français au Lycée Philippe Zinda Kaboré de Ouagadougou
Mr. Vincent OUATTARA
Publication Director of the Graduate School of Arts, Communication, Humanities and Social Sciences at Norbert Zongo University Directeur de...
Mr. Koumbir-Yelor SOMDA
Director of the Gaoua Regional Professional High School / Proviseur du Lycée Professionnel Régional de Gaoua From 2014 to the present, lectur...
Mrs. Wendlamita Georgette COMPRAORE
certified teacher of French Mrs. COMPAORE is 11 years old in the teaching of which 2 years as private teacher in a private institution and 9 years ...
Mr. Charlemagne Marie Ragnag-Néwendé OUEDRAOGO
Obstetrician Gynecologist, Ouaga University / Bogodogo University Hospital EDUCATION AND GRADUATIONS • 1997: Doctorate d’Etat in Medicine, Very Hon...
Mr. Pascal MOYENGA
Professeur certifié CEG, Lycée Nobilian
Mrs. Madelienne Shewa
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES *Joined the Public Service of Cameroon on December 04th 1996 and posted as Classroom Teacher in the Government Teacher T...
Mrs. Mpot Théorine Epse Menkound
professor of psychology of the first grade teachers' schools since 7 years laureate of the prize of the excellence of MENESEC professeur...
Mrs. Eyango nee Angela Chantal Ngo Bilong
Spanish teacher and Head of Department at Ekounou Bilingual Lycee, Yaounde / Professeur d'espagnol, Chef de departement au Lycee Bilingue d'Ekounou...
Mr. Eric Len Kibinkiri
Doctor of Education (PhD), University of Bamenda, Cameroon I have trained many student teachers in the Department of Science of Education at t...
Mr. Patrick Fonyuy Shey
Associate Professor Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Educational Psychology-Specialised in Special Education University of Buea, Cameroon I have been...
Mrs. Yaro Loveline
Coordinator of Distance Education Programme. This programme provides in-service and pre-service academic and professional development opportunities...
Mrs. Che Mary Lum
lecturer at the Biaka university institute of Buea I have been teaching for over 12 years now. I taught private classes and tutorial for se...
Mrs. Yolle Jeannette Mukete
PhD in Special Education, University of Buea, Cameroon I have been teaching for 30years, 17 as a primary school teacher and 13 as a teacher trainer...
Mr. Alexandre Arnaud ABOMO ABOMO
Professor of High Schools of General Secondary Education of ICT. Regional Inspector of Informatics for the South.\nI hold the Diploma of Secondary...
Mr. Alfred FOWA KOKO
Head of Department of Physics, chimistry and Technology at Nkoemvone High School/south région/Cameroon\n \nHolder of:\nA Secondary and High School ...
Mr. Aliou DEWA
J'ai été sélectionné 4 fois de suite (2014-2015-2017-2018) by the Ministry of Secondary Education Like The National Curtain National Teachers an...
Teacher of English as Foreign Language (EFL) in Ngaoundéré Classical and Modern High School I have seven years of teaching experience durin...
Mr. Jacques Abel Onya
German teacher at the Gymnasium Nkolmessemg in Jaunde / Deutschlehrer am Gymnasium Nkolmessemg in Jaunde\n \nIn 2010, I was honored as the best tea...
Mr. Julius Sunjo Tukov
Secondary / High school Teacher of Mathematics\n \nI am the holder of the “Secondary and High school teacher’s diploma” (dipes 2), session of Septe...
Mrs. Aissatou GREMA
Je suis un enseignant du secondaire. Je possède le diplôme de professeur d’enseignement secondaire de deuxième cycle (DIPES II), obtenu avec mentio...
Mrs. Lucy Tarkang MPEH
Teacher of action research at Teacher Training College Buea\n a post-graduate diploma from the Higher Teacher Training College of the University o...
Côte d'Ivoire
Mrs. Assiata OUATTARA
Inspector of preschool and primary education TEACHER MONITORING AND EVALUATION Inspecteur de l’enseignement préscolaire et primaire SUIVI...
Mr. N’guessan Ange Corneille KOUAME
a professor of French at Departmental High School Lakota / professeur de Francais de Lycée départemental de Lakota I attended a seminar fo...
Mr. Djakaridja KONE
Master of Conference at Alassane Ouattara University of Bouaké Formerly, French teacher in the second degree Maitre de Conférence à l’Un...
Mr. N'golo Aboudou SORO
Secretary General of the National Commission for UNESCO Officer in the Order of Merit of National Education Ordinary school teacher High S...
Mr. Issiaka KONE
My research laboratory (LASSO) wins the 2017 Prix d'Excellence, 2nd prize for the best promoter of African integration. 2007: Decoration, knight...
Inspector of preschool and primary education Inspecteur de l’enseignement préscolaire et primaire
Mrs. Tchilowi Jacqueline KONE
Pedagogical and administrative supervision Monitoring and evaluation Inspector of preschool and primary education Encadrement pédagog...
Mr. Meke MEITE
professor holder university felix houphouët boigny unesco chairman for the culture of peace\nformer professor of french school and college in côte ...
Mrs. Soma Matenin épouse TRAORE
teacher and director of a nursery school / institutrice et directrice d'une école maternelle
Mr. Zana Alexis COULIBALY
* Certified Training in Development Project Management * Certified training in monitoring development project evaluation * Effective participatio...
Kapetivadze Manana
An experienced Teacher of English and Teacher Trainer; former Education Trainer for Peace Corps Pre-Service training and Georgia's National Teache...
Kukhaleishvili Neli
1.I think one of my merits is my constant drive towards teacher development , its support and promotion. The result being Head of ETAG Batumi ...
Lela Tsagareishvili
I am a school teacher and I have attended a range of different trainings and workshops (as national so international ones) and every single trainin...
Maia Tkemaladze
I have been teaching English in a public school of a small town Sachkhere in West Georgia for already 28 years. I am also a teacher trainer. in 201...
Marine Chalauri
Many years experience of working in an education system and experience of being Head of Teachers' Association and Teacher Trainer helped me to e...
Nino Maisuradze
Nino Maisuradze - A full time teacher since 2002 at Batumi Ilia Chavchavadze Public School N1; since 2004 visiting lead teacher at Batumi Shota Rus...
Nino Nijaradze
I have over 20 years of experience teaching English to students of all ages, but mainly young adults. For over 15 years I have been an active membe...
Tamari Mosiashvili
I have master's degree and I have experience of conducting training for teachers and creating methodological resources.
Tinatin Kutivadze
I often participate in different exchange programs. As a TEA alumna, I had professional development at Montana State University, USA. I am also TO...
Tsiklauri Khatuna
I’ve been working as a teacher for 3 years and I have a status of the chief teacher. Teaching gives me a platform to share my passion and s...
Mr. Kazbek Elubayuly Elubaev
Head of department, USTAZ Professional Learning Center Elubaev K.E. graduated from the faculty of foreign languages of Kyzylorda State Universit...
Mr. Yussuf Yailaji
MSc, Senior Lecturer & the Coordinator of TEFL Graduate Programs. Faculty of Education & Humanities. Suleyman Demirel University, Almaty, K...
Mrs. Aigul Akimgereevna Karkulova
Head of the laboratory of pedagogical skills, Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Re...
Mr. Bakhtiyor Tursinbaevich Ermetov
Biology teacher. General director at Edlight Education Support Center. Head of science department at BILIM-Innovation ISF. Bakhtiyor Ermetov gra...
Mr. Elbrus Piriyev
Principal of the Taldykorgan “BILIM– INNOVATION” lyceum boarding school for gifted children Master of Technical Sciences 2012 "Certificate...
Mrs. Mariya Valerievna Valova
Teacher of the Russian language and literature, English teacher. «Classical school № 3 for gifted children»in Pavlodar. M.A., PhD Candidate, Pavlod...
Mrs. Aliya Gaynullaevna Iskakova
Informatics teacher, Master of Military Sciences. Specialized Gymnasium named after Al-Farabi for gifted children teaching in three languages ...
Mr. Almas Djubaiuly Mukanov
Principal of the MSI "Regional Kazakh Specialized Boarding School Complex for Gifted Children No. 11 named after S. Seifullin" of the department of...
Mr. Nurgazy Gazizovich Utebayev
Principal of KSI "Specialized boarding school "Murager" of Karaganda region education department “ Utebayev N. G graduated from the faculty of fore...
Mr. Temirlan Khassen
Teacher of chemistry in SA “East-Kazakhstan Regional Specialized “BIilim-Innovation” High School for gifted children of Ust-Kamenogorsk” of the dep...
Bekim Beqiri
Experienced (12 years of practice) teacher of technical subjects - electrical engineering Proficient in teaching in the field of both low- and h...
Arlinda Idrizi
Highly motivated English Language teacher with over 16 years of experience, working with children between ages 10 and 17, with high professionalism...
Fegjrie Sela
Key Teacher for Kindergarten Academic Leadership Team member
Mirlinda Kusari
Working with students in all areas of education as guided by the homeroom teacher Assisting ESL and struggling students. Work...
I have consistent, high expectations and am very ambitious for the success of my students; I focus relentlessly on improving teaching and lear...
Almenda Gashi Terziu
Two degrees: Physics and Electronics Experience in the best 3 private schools in the country Advance and different methodologies of teaching...
Atdhe Berisha
Teacher of talented and gifted students Bachelor of History and Civic Education Disaster management Teaching with the students in the cent...
Adrijana Petrovic
Preschool students 2-6-year-olds \nILG School 2012-present (Montessori, Common Core and soon IB)\nVolunteering in different educational cente...
Donika Shabani
BA in Arts, Psychology (Gradute Diploma in Child Mental Health and Violence and Trauma Studies)\nAcademic Leadership Team: Team leader for Grade 1-...
Driton Shala
key teaching competences- Ability to interact with students, identify student needs, collaborate, use measurable methods to deliver quality teachin...
Mr. Romeo Sondah
Chemistry teacher at the Paynesville Seventh-Days Adventist High school. I am a school debate team coach. I have been in the class room ov...
Mrs. Caroline Armah
Director, certificate of completion, YALI West Africa, Public Policy Track - Cohort 12, Accra, RLC.
Mrs. Roseline C. Hunter-Konneh
EDUCATION & CRENDENTIALS University of Liberia 2012 Masters of Science Msc Regional Science 2001 Bachelor of Arts BA. Sociol...
Mr. Varfee Holmes
I’m a public sector administrator, a journalist and a teacher. I earned a master’s degree in Public Administration with emphasis in Public Sector M...
Ms. Eugenia Togba
a Bachelor of Science Degree (BSc) in Primary education from the Stella Maris Polytechnic Certificate from the Liberia Read program to teac...
Mr. David Sumolu, Jr.
Classroom teacher, Journalist and youth developer I am pleased to disclose that since my alignment with Youth for Change, Inc., I have been...
Mr. Nehwon S. Suah
Communications Director/National Debate Supervisor a. 2013 Best Male Academician, Liberia b. Liberia's First International Adjudicator, Wor...
Mr. Julius Enoch Brooks
Senior. William V. S. Tubman Teacher's college, University of Liberia Certificate in Guidance Counseling, University of Liberia 2017-present.... Te...
Mr. John Yormie
Emerging Liberian Diplomat, Researcher, Lecturer and a youth development personality. His interest areas include: Diplomacy, academia, sustainable ...
Mr. Emmanuel Dash Karduweh
Master Trainer, and a Classroom Teacher. "B" In Early Childhood Education, "C" In General Education and Advance from Bridge International.
Mr. Vivio Jacques Desire Laval FIGARO
Head of the Faculty of French at St Aubin State College After fifteen years of experience in the field of teaching French in high schools o...
Travel and Tourism Teacher at Sebastopol State Secondary School\n \nNational Productivity and Quality Convention 2019 - Silver Award (Government/Pa...
Mr. Kaviraj SHEORAJ
Mathematics Teacher at Bon Accueil State College\n \nMember of the School Disciplinary Committee\nSMET (Subject Matter Expert for Tablet PC Project...
Mr. Mohundranathsingh UJOODHA
Chemistry teacher at Camp De Masque State College\n \nMohun Ujoodha is a chemistry educator as well as a Subject Matter Expert with more than twent...
Mr. Premsingh PERSAND
a Science Educator at the Mayflower College\nBSc (Hons) Molecular Biology, MSc Molecular and Cell Biology, MPhil from the University of Mauritius\n...
French Teacher at Sir Leckraz Teelock State Secondary School\n \nSummary of official posts & responsobilities held\n Member of the School News...
Mrs. Shobha Devi BEEHARRY
Head of English Department at Mohan Parsad Sharma Jugdambi State Secondary School\n \nCurrent Membership\nMember of the Environmental Protection an...
Ms. Moohktaseemah Beebee HEETUN
Urdu language and Literature / Social and Emotional Skills Teacher at Simadree Virahsawmy State Secondary School\n MBA Educational Leadership, Ope...
Ms. Nushrat Banu ALLYBOCCUS
Travel & Tourism teacher at Renganaden Seeneevassen State Secondary School\n \nDissertation Title: Residents’ atitudes towards tourism: A case ...
Ms. Roshnee RAJKOMAR
Chemistry Teacher at Adventist College (12 years in the teaching profession)\n \nProfessional Qualifications:\n1. Educator’s license (2012)\n2. Cer...
Cláudia Pinto Ribeiro
Cláudia Pinto Ribeiro has a Ba (2005) and a PhD (2009) in History from the Faculty Arts and Humanities of Oporto University, where she is currently...
Goncalo Marques
Degree and Phd in History, Oporto University. Post Phd in History Education, Minho University, directed by Professor Isabel Barca. Interested in Hi...
Maria Helena Pinto
I hold a PhD in Education Sciences, with speciality in History and Social Sciences Education (University of Minho, Portugal) with the theme “Herita...
Ana Isabel Moreira
PhD in Education (Applied Didactics; History Education) completed at the University of Santiago de Compostela, in 2018. Teacher of Basic Education ...
Cristina Maria Ferreira da Costa Ribeiro Maia
Professor Cristina Maia, Porto School of Education of Polytechnic of Porto. Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 602, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal. cristinamaia@ese....
Maria Natividade da Rocha Santos
PhD in Education Coordinator of european projects Colaborator of an investigation center in the Oporto University
Marília José do Gago Alves Quintal
Marília Gago is a history teacher, has a Post-Doctoral (2011) and PhD in History and Social Sciences Education from University of Minho (2007), MA ...
Marta Maria Porto Silva Frade Torres
Marta Torres– vice-president of the Portuguese History Teachers Association (APH) .In this quality I collaborated in the making of the new History ...
Miguel Sérgio da Costa Ferreira de Monteiro de Barros
Miguel Monteiro de Barros – president of the Portuguese History Teachers Association (APH) In this quality I was the m...
Gorica Njegovanović
EU Code Week, Leading Teacher, 2018 ● Scientix, The community for science education in Europe, STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths), f...
Jasmina Misic
- The President of the Commission for teachers training in the Association of teachers of Veliko Gradiste and Golubac; - Orientation to teamwo...
Dejan Cakić
 teaching in the classroom (compulsory and optional subjects, extracurricular activities)  teaching in mixed classes (2 classes at the same ...
Sanja Nikolić
Published professional article in scientific journal Норма 1/ 2017 topic: Implementation of innovative models in inclusive teaching and transp...
Goranka Markovic
I have been writing professional and scientific work in the field of innovative approaches in class teaching - I have been working actively on...
Suzana Mijušković
31st Teachers' Assembly of Serbia – Improving teaching practice through the exchange of professional experiences 31st Teachers' Assembly of Se...
Ivan Milovanovic
Eight years of experience in teachers’ professional development Twenty three years of experience teaching pupils of various social backgrounds and ...
Slavica Matejic
26 years of work in education Working in a clean and combined department Member of the Council for Education of Lazarevac Municipality, this and th...
Ana Mladenovic
Ana Mladenovic- born in Nis, February 20, 1978. After the completion of elementary school and highschool, she finished the Faculty of Teacher Educa...
Nevena Perić
Primary School Teacher, Master of Education Policy, Education Technology Specialist Pedagogical advisor Member of Teachers Associations of the Repu...
Tanzania, United Republic of
Mr. Angelus Pasiens Munyuku
Head Teacher at Matawale Primary School
Mrs. Monica Michael Chimombo
Head Teacher at Kyimbila Primary School • To be connected with different people through this I have been useful to my society and my countr...
Mrs. Stella Mwanjisi Kiyabo
A teacher with a proven and good record of teaching in secondary schools in ordinary and advanced level. I am experienced teacher, highly organized...
Mrs. Peninah Ochuodho Wayoga
A primary Teacher at Kambarage Primary School with 20 years experience Certificate in Teaching- Bunda Teachers College Diploma in Adm...
Mrs. Betinasia Kalebu Manyama
• Teacher of Mathematics in secondary school: 1993 to date. July 1993 – 2010: Teaching Bagamoyo Secondary School Basic Mathematics and Chemistr...
Mr. Deus Gracewell Seif
Tanzania Teachers Union, General Secretary
Mr. Froling Gotfried Rwela
Primary school teacher at Azimio C. Primary School in Mwanza City EXPERIENCE TEACHING: 14 years, teaching in different schools LEADE...
Mr. Ahmed Seif Khaled
teacher, ward/branch representative for tanzania teachers’ union (TTU)\ndiploma in performing and visual arts\n Bagamoyo institute of arts and cul...
TTU assistant head of education and training department\n Teaching:-10 years in classroom teaching subjects in different schools from class Three ...
Mrs. Philomena Simon Orao
Experience: 5 year as teacher , teaching history and English\nLeadership : I have been a leader for 2 years as a representative for Tanzania Teach...