Piret Jõul
Тема выступления на конференции:
Learning through experience
Профессиональные заслуги:

I work as a class teacher at Kõrveküla Elementary School, Estonia. Our school is a suburban rural school where all students feel confident and at home. At our school, there are 360 ​​children who are taught by 30 highly educated teachers. In teaching, I find it important to consider the individuality of children and their creativity. In addition, I am working with the talented children of our school and supervising the nature and science club.


I've been a teacher for 22 years. During this time I have been constantly educating myself in the field of education, attending training courses, reading methodological literature, communicating with colleagues from other Estonian and European schools. I believe a teacher needs to constantly improve and be familiar with the changes in education.


I am a member of the Estonian Class Teachers’ Association (ECTA). Also, I am a member of the board of the Association, being its chairman for the last two years. ECTA supports Estonian class teachers in their professional development and work processes and represents their interests in society.


As a member of the board, I value cooperation with different parties and interest groups. I have spoken on a number of educational issues, such as how to implement inclusive education in Estonian schools. Also, we organize annual practical training seminars for all ECTA members. The Class Teachers Association is interested in our members having a broad knowledge, being joyful, creative and teaching our children with heart.

Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

Participation in the international forum enables me, as a class teacher and a person representing class teachers, to get acquainted with the education system of the host country, discuss with the experts about the global issues in education and give an overview of the Estonian education system. 

Что ждёт от форума:

I believe the forum will have some good thoughts and ideas to share with our class teachers. In addition, the forum can facilitate communication with teachers from other countries or their representatives, leading to exchanging experiences and establishing contacts for future cooperation.