Daniela Averna
Тема выступления на конференции:
Decostructivism and “différance”: transposition from Philosophy to school
Профессиональные заслуги:

Relevant Certificates:

  • TKT CLIL Cambridge Certificate (level4)

  • LCCI Certificate (English - C1 level)

  • CLIL Teacher certificate (MIUR, Italian Ministery of Education, University and Scientific Research)

  • ECDL examiner certificate

  • Europass mobility: FLI SPA 2020 (Izmir, Turkey, March 1-7 2015), about the Flipped Class and The

    Spaced Learnig methodologies

  • Certificate of attendance: The Digital Storytelling – Huston University (30h online course by


  • Certificate of attendance: Creative use of Tablets at school – European Schoolnet Academy (15h

    online course)

  • Europass Mobility: CLIL for secondary schools (Cambridge, United Kingdom, July 12-24 2015)

  • Europass Mobility: L.O.V.E. Learning Outcomes Validation according to ECVET (Danzica, Poland,

    October 18-24 2015), about the use and design of units of learning outcomes according to ECVET (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training) and their related assessment in the school-work alternance.

  • Certificate of attendance: ADi National Conference (Catania, Italy, August 28-31 2016), about gamification and debate in class and also school-work alternance

  • Certificate of attendance: ADi International Conference (Bologna, Italy, February 24-25 2017), about new methodologies and new learning spaces

  • Certificate of attendance: Advanced course of Physics (140h online course – MIUR, 2018)

  • Europass Mobility: TCM Teacher Changemaker Mouvement (Sandefjiord, Norway, September 24-30,

    2018), about VIP24 tool, to steer new generation at school and at work

  • Certificate of attendance: Opening Schools to STEM Careers - European Schoolnet Academy (20h

    online course)

  • Certificate of attendance: Collaborative Teaching and Learning – European Schoolnet Academy (20h

    online course)

  • Certificate of attendance: ADi International Conference (Bologna, Italy, March 1-3 2018), about new


  • Contract as the Quality Manager of the Erasmus Project Play to Lead (in progress), as a member of

    the ADi team, that is partner in the project.

Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

I would like to share my experience about “deconstruction and difference”technique of curricula and the use of new methodologies, from the Flipped Classroom to the Project based learning, from the spaced learning to the debate.

Что ждёт от форума:

There is often a big problem to face when trying to spread new methodologies at school: how to involve old generations of teachers in the new creative wave?

I hope to have an answer from the International Global Forum, while having fresh inspiring ideas.