Mr. Ahmed Seif Khaled
Тема выступления на конференции:
Approach Towards the Lack of the Information Technology in Non-Developed Countries
Профессиональные заслуги:

teacher, ward/branch representative for tanzania teachers’ union (TTU)

diploma in performing and visual arts

  1. Bagamoyo institute of arts and culture (Taasisi ya Sanaa na Utamaduni Bagamoyo – TaSUBa) – Bagamoyo, Pwani - Tanzania
  2. certificate in  grade ‘a’ teaching murutunguru teachers’ college – Ukerewe, Mwanza – Tanzania


Teaching: 14 years in classroom teaching and the subjects which I teach are; English Language and Vocational Skills.

Leadership: 3 years as a Ward/Branch Representative for Tanzania Teachers’ Union

Workshops and seminars:

I have attended several workshops and seminars which enabled me to be;

  1. A competent teacher in my subjects
  2. A school Academic Master for 4 years
  3. A Chairman for School English Club
  4. A Chairman for School Arts and Cultural Club
  5. An Artist and Tutor for School Visual and Audiovisual Teaching/Learning Aids.
Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

Top priority issues of the national education

  1. All children Girls and Boys from 4 years of age MUST be registered for Pre-primary and 6 years of age for Primary Education.
  2. All pupils Girls and Boys registered for Standard One MUST reach and finish their Primary School Education by sitting for the National Examinations, pass and join the Secondary Schools.
  3. Ratio of books per pupils MUST reach one book per one pupil (1:1)
  4. Infrastructures: (For conducive teaching and learning environment) 

Building of more classrooms to minimize the overcrowding pupils within the classrooms.

Building of more houses for teachers especially in rural/remote areas.

5.The Tanzanian Government is facilitating its Free Education Policy by making sure that  the parents/citizens are exempted from paying the educational costs from Pre-primary school to Secondary School level whereby the Government is the sole provider of the infrastructures, teaching and learning materials as well as sports and games costs, to mention a few. 


Your Excellency Guest of Honor,
There is a vivid big gap in education between the Developed Countries and the Non- Developed Countries which is widen up by the availability of the sufficient, reliable and up-to-date Information Technology in the Developed Countries, which is vice versa in the other side of the world.
Lack of the said technology in Non-Developed Countries is highly emphasized by the prevailing poverty situation in most of the concerned countries, though we are struggling to eradicate poverty by using other means while escaping the fact that, education is one of the strongest weapons to combat poverty as the late Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere once said, “Education is not a way of escaping poverty, it is a way of fighting it”. 

 In Non-Developed Countries, we need much investments of the Information Technology in Education Sector that can enable the learners and the teachers get the computers and learn about the concerned technology, access free internet services and digital libraries at every learning institution. This will bring about the establishment and empowerment of the young creative, talented and scientists for the benefit of the future generations of a better world.

The late Nelson Mandela believed that education is like a great vehicle that can be used to bring equality of opportunity to the world, and so I do believe that Information Technology in education can bridge that big gap in education between the Developed Countries and the Non-Developed Countries and thus bring the equality of opportunity to world.

It is high time now that the forum and the world can suggest and take appropriate measures to reduce the gap in education between the Developed Countries and the Non-Developed Countries via the heavy investment of the Information Technology in education to the Non-Developed Countries.

Thank you very much.

Что ждёт от форума:
  1. Sharing of knowledge and experiences with other members of the forum.
  2. Using the acquired knowledge and experience to solve some of the challenges facing Education Sector in my country and the neighboring countries.
  3. Tell the world how the Government of Tanzania is improving the quality of education for its citizens, especially under the Free Education Policy.
  4. Be the ambassador of the IPF – Forum in my country and to the world at large.