Mrs. Philomena Simon Orao
Тема выступления на конференции:
The methods to overcome challenges in the education policy in Tanzania
Профессиональные заслуги:

Experience: 5 year as teacher , teaching history and English

Leadership : I have been a leader for 2 years as a representative for Tanzania Teachers union in my school.



  1. A competent teacher in my subject (History and English)
  2. Been a leader for two year as representative for Tanzania Teacher Union and i succeeded to unity teachers
Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

Dear Guest of Honor , chairman, secretary , coordinators and organizer of the IPF forum member of the IPF forum , ladies and Gentleman, I greet you...
The Excellency Guest of Honor,
In the education policy in Tanzania we are facing same of the challenges as follows.
Lack of teaching and leaning resources , We lack teaching resources such as text books and laboratory equipment compared to the number of student we have , even the few text book available are too shallow to mould learners skills
Abolition of school fees has left significant gaps in school budgets, 

Dear the guest of honor, school are not able to find basic needs they previous paid for with parents contribution including school construction and renovation , the purchase of learning material and hiring of addition teachers.
The Guest of Honor another challenge is infrastructure is poor and transportation to school is inadequate.
Students in remote and rural areas of the country have to travel very far to get to school and many do not have access to a community secondary school in their ward, many secondary school in their ward , many secondary schools suffer from basic lack of infrastructure, the government has not carried out its plan to build enough safe hostels to accommodate girls close to school.
Dear the guest of honor , another challenge is teachers student ratio:
Number of student served by one teacher is greater than the required number, therefore it comes difficult for the teacher to treat or make follow up to his / her students.
Dear the Guest of Honor , through this forum I expecting a lot from this forum especially to discuss appropriate measures to reduce these challenges if not solving them all by assisting our government (Tanzania) by providing Aid even moral support.

Что ждёт от форума:
  1. Sharing of knowledge and experience with other member of the forum.
  2. To be the ambassador of the IPF in my country and the world at large.
  3. To use the knowledge from the forum to solve the challenges facing education policy in Tanzania