Antonia Natesha Coutain
Тема выступления на конференции:
Innovative techniques that can be used for bringing across lesson plans to students
Профессиональные заслуги:

Antonia has been involved in education since the age of 14 as a peer tutor and an educational officer in many schools and church functions. She lives by the mantra "To teach is to touch life forever" because she understands that whatever information is passed from her, it will be used in students' lives forever. Antonia is currently working on pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Education along and offers tutoring services to students with special needs in her spear time. It is effort and dedication like this that we need in the current education system. 

Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

Innovative techniques that can be used for bringing across lesson plans to students


Что ждёт от форума:

She feels that knowledge, skills, and advices that will be shared at this forum will help her to assist better in development of educational system in Grenada. She hopes some of the 'non-traditional methods' of educating students that has worked for her in the past can be developed and taught throughout the world to ensure that students with different learning skills and backgrounds are adequately cared about.