Ana Mladenovic
Тема выступления на конференции:
Creating a stimulating environment for working through cooperation with parents and the local community
Профессиональные заслуги:

Ana Mladenovic- born in Nis, February 20, 1978. After the completion of elementary school and highschool, she finished the Faculty of Teacher Education in Vranje.

Fifteen years of working experience, she progressed to a professional pedagogical counselor, in 2018.

One of the authors and trainers of the accredited program "Innovative Methods in Teaching Civic Education". External associate Institute for improvement of education (ZUOV) and Institute for education quality and evaluation (ZVKOV). Head of Teacher Training, for the implementation of learning oriented teaching. Member of the Program Committee and the Accredited Panel Discussion "Role of teachers in project teaching and extracurricular activities".

Author of numerous expert papers, examples of good teaching practice.

Moderator and exhibitor at the stands and the Teacher's Assembly (the Republican Assembly), organized by the Union of Teachers of the Republic of Serbia and the Teachers Society of Nis.

Associate of the publishing company Klett (evaluation and presentation of textbooks from 1st to 4th grade) from 2011 to 2014.

Reviewer of Serbian language textbook for 1st class - Publishing company Vulkan knowledge - 2019.

Secretary of UD Nis, member of the SORS Board of Directors.

President of the school board in Elementary school "Ratko Vukicevic" from 2014 to 2018, now a member of the SO in the same school.

The author of the Republican Children's Art Festival "Talent Rise"

Participant of international projects, as a implementer of project activities, but also as a national coordinator (My Magical Dust)

Mentor of numerous rewarded students in various spheres of education and upbringing.

Author of the cite Let's go together step by step, the administrator of the same page, the FB page of the Teachers Union of RS and the closed FB group Children are decorations of the world.

The holder of the Plaque of the Teachers Society Nis- 2015. and "The Most Successful Woman in Business" Awards - 2016



Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

In every business it is very important to exchange experiences, ideas I think that I will give my contribution to the Forum by sharing ideas with others and of course I expect to hear something that I will apply in my work. In addition, I believe that I will find new friends with whom I will cooperate after the Forum.