Ms. Lydia Soyala
Тема выступления на конференции:
Introduction of e-learning in secondary schools in Zambia
Профессиональные заслуги:

a senior teacher of the English Language at Mutende Day Secondary School in Zambia


1.    The teaching skills.   These teaching skills have greatly helped me to uphold the high level of competence in delivering the lessons to the pupils and to my well-being. Thus, helping the learners to do well at the final exam. 
2.    Inspiration. As an individual teacher I have greatly fascinated quiet a number of learners in my country more especially at the school where I am. Some pupils that I have taught, some them they have gone to various tertiary institutions to pursue teaching as their profession. 
3.    Another paramount achievement is that I was awarded during World Teachers Day celebration as the most hardworking teacher at my school. This has greatly helped me to maintain the high level of hard working and discipline in the teaching fraternity.

Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

It is said that without education or the process that allow each new generation to learn and sometimes challenge the knowledge, skills, values and behavior that have been developed by previous generations, even advanced societies would sink back into primitive state just within a few years!
Going by this statement all nations rely on education to ensure two things.
1.    A good supply of:


2.    A provision to all citizens with a good foundation of basic knowledge and skill.
The world is being looked at as a single community ‘A Global Village.  We are all connected by electronic communication system or an international computer network connecting us to other networks and computers from companies, schools, universities etc.  There is a great deal of exchange of information among all members of the global village. 
My general view is that there has been a fundamental change in approach in terms of learning activities.  Previously it was more of a teacher centered but of late the focus is on a learner which has involved the pupil and the teacher, a teacher is now a facilitator. Previously it was more of memorization of academic facts but this time the focus is on application and hands on activities. 
In responding to these challenges am trying as much as I can to first of all make my classroom a relaxed and learner centered environment that will help the learners to understand that their participation in learning is vital. 
Differentiation is another thing. In my teaching profession I am trying to carter for all learners by developing tests in the lesson to make learning inclusive for all learners with different learning abilities, the seating arrangement is part of the methods I use in delivering the skills and knowledge to the learners and among the methods I use is the method of scaffolding, group work, paired work and research among others to see to it that learners reach the level of zonal of proximity.
Further, in responding to the challenges being faced in pursuing to achieve quality education. I also offer oral and written feedback in order to interact with the learners in order to help them develop more in their studies by clearly highlighting what they did well as well as what they have to do next to make it even better.   

Что ждёт от форума:

interact with professors, political leaders and successful business men and women and other teachers across the globe

Share of ideas, experiences and best practices in the attainment of quality education

Exchange opinions, ideas, views on new teaching methods and practices