Тема выступления на конференции:
Learning from and with each other through lesson study
Профессиональные заслуги:

Al is an EFL teacher and teacher trainer (a British Council Master Trainer) working for the Education Ministry. He has done some teaching/learning projects in his local context as well as run a few online courses using Moodle platform. He's also the president of IATEFL Associate, AzerELTA, in Iran. 

Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

The story of 'Lesson Study' goes back to the Japanese. The term originally came into existence from Japanese expression jugyou kenkuu. In brief, Lesson Study (LS) is to come together and work collaboratively to refine and hone a lesson, making it more effective for next delivery, while it has its own rules, planning and arrangements. Being a practice-oriented process, it is mostly carried out in real contexts.
The focus of Al's presentation will be on how to effectively conduct a lesson study in your local context using technology such as online platforms, social media and innovative ways as well.

Что ждёт от форума:

Al hopes the Forum create a friendly and welcoming ambience so that participants and delegates would take the chance to socialise and network, visit big names in education realm, share experiences, exchange ideas and help and support each other to take a step forward while providing them with lots of takeaways.