Mr. Bakhtiyor Tursinbaevich Ermetov
Тема выступления на конференции:
1. Effective methods of engaging parents 2. Ways of building a healthy environment in the classroom and good teacher – student relationships.
Профессиональные заслуги:

Biology teacher. General director at Edlight Education Support Center. Head of science department at BILIM-Innovation ISF.

Bakhtiyor Ermetov graduated from South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov in 2007 with the bachelor degree of Natural Sciences: Biology and Chemistry.
Since 2016, he is closely working with “USTAZ” company. “USTAZ” is a professional teacher training company which works closely with BILIM-Innovation fund. He helped in setting and organizing several USTAZ seminars for teachers, such as English language seminar for science teachers, CLIL seminar for science teachers. Bakhtiyor attended PBL 101 workshop in Atlanta, Georgia in 2015. After attending PBL workshop, he has become a PBL trainer and has organized about 5-6 PBL workshops for more than 150 teachers throughout Kazakhstan. As a partner of “USTAZ”, he participated several international education conferences, such as ASCD in 2017, ISTE in 2018 and BETT show in 2019.

Bakhtiyor Ermetov actively shares his work experience, he is the co-author of biology textbooks in English for grades 7-10 of the publishing house “ASTANA-Kitap”. Now these books are widely used in Kazakhstani schools, and even there are bilingual versions of these books.

In 2018, for the contribution to the development of education Bakhtiyor Ermetov was awarded a “Honored Worker of Education” medal. He received his medal from hands of minister of education Sagadiyev Yerlan Kenzhegaliuly. He was also awarded by a Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Also, in 2018, the year was awarded a Certificate of Merit of the RSPC "Daryn".

Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

Evolution is the key for development of everything, from living things, to systems, technology and etc. If any person does not read, does not develop their knowledge and ideas, they we can say are dead. There is even one saying for this, “If one person’s two straight days are the same, if he or she did not learn anything new the next day, that person will not be a developing person”. 
In any direction there is a need for development and change, and in nowadays, even faster development and faster change. The one of main problems in education is that it is changing, developing very slowly. Students have changed, their mindsets have changed, there are so many new trends in nowadays that are affecting students. There is a gap between teachers and students, teachers still trying to teach the way they were taught, or the way they were teaching 10-15 years before. Before we were giving students too much data, too much information at one lesson, and wanted them to memorize that information. But nowadays trends are different, we do not want students to know all the data, all the information, we want them to have skills to use their knowledge. So, teachers have to teach differently, have to use different approaches at lessons. There is always need for teachers to renew their ideas, their methods, their knowledge. Even harder thing, teachers need to have desire for change, hunger for new ideas, methods. In this point, question comes to mind: How teacher can ask students to learn something new, without renewing their own ideas? 
There is a desperate need for lifelong learner teachers, so they can teach lifelong learner students. 

Что ждёт от форума:

Expect to see best educators from all around the world in this forum. It will be wonderful platform to:

- Learn new ideas, methods and trends in education form best speakers and educators around the world

- To get acquainted with educators and colleagues for further cooperation

- Learn different types of new technologies used in education

- To see how educators around the world are working with modern students, so called generation Z

- Share own experience

Hope all new ideas will help me to develop as a better educator and will help our colleagues and students.