Mr. Kazbek Elubayuly Elubaev
Тема выступления на конференции:
1/ How to motivate your teachers 2/ Delegation of authority
Профессиональные заслуги:

Head of department, USTAZ Professional Learning Center

Elubaev K.E. graduated from the faculty of foreign languages of Kyzylorda State University after Korkyt Ata in the specialty "Teacher of English" in 2001.

In the period from 2015 to 2018, he held the position of principal at the Kazakh-Turkish specialized boarding school for gifted boys in the city of Karaganda. For the time of work in this organization, according to the results of the regional subject Olympiad, the school has been awarded the title “Best Olympic School” for three years in a row. During the leadership, Kazbek Elubayuly introduced robotics, engineering, programming, bionics, neuro-modeling and STEM training to improve students' IT competence. For three years, students of the lyceum took part in various regional, republican and international competitions in robotics and programming, winning more than 30 prizes. In 2017, Kazbek Elubayuly was awarded the medal “Y. Altynsarin" for his contribution to the development of education by Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since 2018, he has been holding the position of Head of School Improvement Department at USTAZ PLC.
Kazbek Elubaevich is a highly qualified, experienced, creatively working manager who knows the technology of leadership activities, is fluent in the theory and practice of modern leadership. A man of inexhaustible energy and hard work. His activity is aimed at creating optimal conditions for the development of the personality of the teacher and students. His active life position aims the whole team at achieving high results, charges them with optimism and the desire to move forward. As a leader, he sees the prospects for the development of the institution, clearly and correctly defines the strategy, goals and objectives.
He shows the best human qualities: responsiveness, responsibility, sociability, professional competence. Great attention is paid to the cohesion and stability of the team.


Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

Modernization of education is due to the changes taking place in modern society. In a changing world, the education system should form such a quality as professional universalism — the ability to change spheres and ways of working. On the other hand, global IT competency and digitalization of society are taking place. Modern society needs people who can quickly adapt to the changes taking place in the world. In new circumstances, the process of teaching graduates in school should be focused on the development of competencies that contribute to the implementation of the concept of “lifelong education”. Here with these very competences Kazakhstani schoolchildren have big problems. Today, it is necessary to focus educational programs on the result, in which the level of competence is assessed. This requires a certain level of functional literacy. And the school should work on this. For this, it is necessary to make extensive use of the possibilities of project activities, the introduction of interactive methods, innovative forms and resources, and digitalization methods. Pay more attention to the development of practical skills, instead of theoretical cramming. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to understand scientific theory without presenting the process in practice, without feeling the parts of the mechanism with your own hands. The most fundamental thing is integration in practice, the lesson must be alive and active. Just the project activity allows students to get personal experience and master the activities they need in the future. To do this, review the variable part of the curriculum. It is necessary to give an opportunity to introduce various courses that will contribute to the diversified development of students and the development of their functional literacy.

Что ждёт от форума:

As expected, the forum will bring together strong manager teachers from around the world so there will be a great opportunity:
-to get acquainted with colleagues from near and far abroad for further cooperation,
-to listen to the leading speakers in education, to discuss various topics and ideas,
-learn new skills and methods of work, the use of new technologies in education,
-to find and get answers to actual questions concerning all participants in the educational process (teachers, parents),
-to share own experience.
All those pedagogical ideas and technologies that will be discussed during the forum will be a huge store of knowledge for a person who strives for personal growth and improvement of professional competence.