Mrs. Aigul Akimgereevna Karkulova
Тема выступления на конференции:
1/ Effective methods of involving parents in school life; 2/ New teaching methods in the modern educational world; 3/ Modern development of education and teacher competencies
Профессиональные заслуги:

Head of the laboratory of pedagogical skills, Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Karkulova Aigul Akimgereevna has been working in the field of education since 1991: as a teacher of Russian language and literature, in 1998 she was appointed deputy director for educational work at school - gymnasium №3 in Aktobe.

She has been working in the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 2012.

During her work at the Center she completed a research and pedagogical internship program on the Bolashak International Program at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands.

  Aigul Karkulova shows herself as an intelligent specialist in the field of pedagogy and psychology. She demonstrates the ability to independently carry out theoretical studies and carry out a wide range of experimental work.

It should be noted that she takes an active part in the projects, which served as the basis for its further scientific research. During the work on the projects, she forms the Action Research model for the development of blended learning in Kazakhstan, and the results of experimental studies have confirmed the correctness of the basic theoretical assumptions. Also, the achievements of the theory and practice of management in the technology of critical thinking with good reason can be used to create a model of mixed education in Kazakhstan.

As an employee, she fully possesses professional competence ensuring effective solution of professional tasks. She has organizational skills, sets specific tasks to solve the problem. She has the ability to make optimal use of time, organize cognitive and research activities.

Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

What skills will our children need in the future?
Do we know how our world will change, say 10-15 years from now? Of course not. However, the educational process cannot be stopped. But still, as Aristippus used to say: "Children need to be taught what is useful to them when they grow up." And although the pessimistic Seneca said sadly that “We are learning, alas, for school, and not for life,” we will still try to understand what skills will be useful to our children, regardless of the change in our swinging world.
How to help our children acquire these necessary skills in order to be successful?

Что ждёт от форума:

Participation in the global forum is an amazing opportunity to find answers to current and exciting issues in education, new acquaintances that will allow further cooperation, exchange of experience and information, and most importantly, learn a lot and study.