Elizabeth Nakiyemba Bangu
Тема выступления на конференции:
Pedagogical integration of ICT in learning among secondary schools in Uganda (a case of smart phones.
Профессиональные заслуги:

MEAP (Master of education in administration and planning), BED (Bachelor of education), Diploma in education from Makerere university.

Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

Pedagogical integration of ICT in learning among secondary schools in Uganda (a case of smart phones.

Что ждёт от форума:

Participating in the summit will help me network with people from different political, economic and social-cultural backgrounds with whom we can connect and share a lot, such networking element is a golden chance for me to learn how other countries have used integration of ICT in Pedagogy and my country will emulate such integration for educational development 

Besides, participation will be a basis for learning new ideas and experiences which we shall add on our already exciting ones from the various presenters. 

I expect to listen to different presentations made by different people and generate more skills and knowledge that I will import to my country and integrate in methods of learning ICT.

I expect to meet ICT experts, teachers, lecturers and professors and interact with them face to face. I have to improve greatly when I share with them in the conference. This will help me to emulate their shared knowledge and skills that I will take back for implementation hence improve the ICT teaching and learning methods in Ugandan secondary schools

I expect to acquire new tools whether there is an expo- floor. Presenters often have tools to display that I have not seen yet, software application programs that make ICT programs move faster, less prone to costly mistakes, if exposed to all of this, my community/ country will benefit by transforming ICT tools from already exciting to new methods and tools.

I and Ugandan community, are expected to benefit from the summit through promotion of the country’s name and creation of links with other members from other countries which can be a basis of international relations for economic, political, social and educational transformation of Uganda and other societies across the globe 

Through the expected friendship created as a result of participating in the summit, direct foreign investment can be realized where foreign friends acquired from the summit can willingly accept to come and invest in my home sub county and country Uganda at large.

Besides, my participation can help me get connected to funder who can provide relief and aid to the disadvantaged school, institution and students in Uganda. This can be possible through my probing and advocacy abilities when I meet other people.

I expect to win a fund grant of 7,000 dollars and use it to fund various projects and ICT laboratory to be used as a coordinating Centre in my community in the field of Information Communication and Technology.