Gaudencia Mandiopera
Тема выступления на конференции:
Exploring challenges in teaching languages
Профессиональные заслуги:

Gaudencia Mandiopera is the Vice President of Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) having been elected in 2017 and the President of Zimbabwe Open University Manicaland Chapter. She has been a teacher since 2012 and currently teaches at Mundenda a rural Primary school in Mutasa District, Manicaland Province. Gaudencia is passionate about teacher’s rights and welfare especially female teachers who bear the brunt of poor working conditions and constrained work place democracy in rural Zimbabwe. As part of her duties at ARTUZ she has written several briefs and made presentations before the Parliament, the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission, Public Service Commission among other key policy makers. Gaudencia has experience in policy lobby and advocacy, educational curriculum review, human rights documentation and reporting and collective bargaining for teachers.

Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

Exploring challenges in teaching languages

Что ждёт от форума:

To learn from experiences of other teachers, especially female teachers, in other jurisdictions.
To have a comprehensive comparative understanding of the policies concerning labour rights and democracy in the work place. To share my experiences and expertise with others so that they gain from my advocacy work in the education sector. To create a large international network of colleagues who share similar interests with me for the growth of my professional life and also for my Union.