Mr. Julius Enoch Brooks
Тема выступления на конференции:
Education, a civil right
Профессиональные заслуги:

Senior. William V. S. Tubman Teacher's college, University of Liberia Certificate in Guidance Counseling, University of Liberia 2017-present.... Teacher, Firestone Liberia Senior High School 2014-present...... National Training coordinator Youth Vision International. 2018 -present.... Chairman, Margibi District 2 Intellectual Forum 2018.. One of three Outstanding Coaches Liberia National High School Debate Championship Youth for change Inc. 2018...... Third place Winner Liberia National High School Debate Championships 2018...... Outstanding Teacher, Firestone Liberia Education Department Firestone Liberia Inc. 2016- ....... Most Valuable player University of Liberia Inter college debate competition

Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

To better get understanding of the topic, it good to have it narrow down to a particular country. Liberia, a case study. In Liberia, since 1847, educational attainment has never been an important pre-condition for participation in the development of our nation's economy, yet every year many of our needy students miss out on educational opportunities. These students are pushed out of their schools because of the lack of fees or simply give up on fighting a system that seems impossible for them. Now a day, there is a talk by our leaders to elevate education as a fundamental civil. If our children have the right to live, than we should far sightedly see education as a fundamental right. Education is a civil right for all children. There are several problems faced with national education; below are the outline of few: 1. The lack of qualified Teachers 2. Unethical behavior of Teachers 3. Students failure to attend classes or to study their lessons. 4. The underpay and misconceptions about teachers

Что ждёт от форума:


1. To gain proper knowledge from the forum that will help me affect change in my country and beyond. 2. To help me get connected to like minded people and build a team of change agents that will help me affect positive change in my country.