Valentina Holubeva Stepanovna
Тема выступления на конференции:
Fostering teachers' grassroots community, Running an English speaking club, Teaching English to senior learners, Learner centered learning and CLIL
Профессиональные заслуги:

Member of BelNATE Board 

Founder and Admin of the Teaching English in Belarus Facebook community_https://www.facebook.com/groups/Teaching.English.In.Belarus/ 

Senior Professional Member of Gallery Teachers__https://galleryteachers.com/ 

Founder and facilitator of ICAN English Speaking Club, educational project that has been run for 13 years__ https://writespeakenglish.com/ican-club/ 

Certificate of Appreciation from Minsk State Linguistic University  

Multiple Publications of researcher in linguistics and methods of teaching English as a global language 

Member of TESOL and IATEFL,_Presenter at TESOL (three times) and numerous international conferences

Participant of E-Teacher Development Program from US Department of State 

Designer of an ESP Course for MSLU

Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:



Teacher of English as a global language 


_Researcher in Linguistics, Germanic Languages_(after completion of a doctorate course)_ 


Self-Employed, Registered Sole Entrepreneur

Founder and facilitator of ICAN English Speaking Club 

Past: Senior Instructor at Minsk State Linguistic University for 20+ years,

Что ждёт от форума:

Establishing international contacts for future projects;

Finding solutions to educational issues;

Learning new TEFL techniques and approaches.