Ludmila Yerokhina Vasilevna
Тема выступления на конференции:
I`d like to share my own work with young learners. “Let`s Have a Look at a Handkerchief Book..” Unusual books of short stories with illustrations made of handkerchiefs, postcards, photos of handmade animal toys, etc. motivating young learners in the process of teaching.
Профессиональные заслуги:

Deeds of Honorary for Success in Pedagogical Activity (Teaching and Bringing Up of Young Generation)

The Certificate as the finalist of the Republic Teachers` Contest “An Open Lesson” in the nomination “The Best Lesson”

Awarded with a valuable prize by the Republic Teachers` Newspaper “Nastaunitskaya Gazeta”

Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:


The member of the IATEFL, the BelNATE Board Member, the representative of the BelNATE in Gomel and Gomel region. The coordinator of the teachers project “Understanding and Cooperation through Meetings”. (The Organization “Round Table” Holzminden, Germany-Belarus). Young teachers of English and German have annual monthly speech practice in Germany.


Veteran of Pedagogical Labour. The participant of 14 international conferences


Gymnasia № 56 named after A.A.Vishnevsky, Gome

Что ждёт от форума:

to find like–minded persons; to find new colleagues-friends who do their best, create new methods and technologies in teaching and supporting their students on the hard way to knowledge . I`m eager to find some ways for friendship and cooperation between young teachers from Belarus and Poland.

Hopely, I`ll find some inspiration for new crazy ideas and creativity.