Valentina Lamaj
Тема выступления на конференции:
The use of technology in foreign languages
Профессиональные заслуги:

Prezantin nëKonferencën e parë rajonale të ELTA –s “Supporting English Language Teacher & Learners.

  • Kategoria e tret (Msues I kualifikuar ). Vlerësuar me rezultatin B (Shum mir) . N kualifikimin e Mësuesve në Sistemin Arsimor Parauniversitar , për vitin shkollor 2013-2014.
  • ertifikuar nga Agjencia Kombëtare e Provimeve si hartuese e testeve dhe vlerësuese nëprovimet kombëtare. Numri i çertificates 16CVT00168.
Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

I would like to take part in International pedagogical forum to share with other teachers around the world Albanian vision of pedagogical education. As we know the world is changing rapidly and so, global expectations in education are growing even more ambitious. For these reasons innovation in education which promotes the development of competences and knowledge is essential. Competences such as collaborative, persistence, creativity and innovation which are reached into pedagogy practices in schools and classrooms.

Что ждёт от форума:

From this forum I expect to get a better experience in education as well as learning the skills and methods needed for giving modern lessons. I will also have the opportunity to improve in Inclusive education as I have gifted and migrant students in my class.