Mrs. Wude Ferede Almu
Тема выступления на конференции:
Women empowerment and School Feeding
Профессиональные заслуги:

Teacher at Hawi Boru Primary School in Dire Dawa

Best School Women Teacher in 2007 G.C

Best of All Women Dire Dawa (a city in Ethiopia)

Best Ethiopian Teacher in 2019 G.C.

My professional merits of pleasuring activity are to be full human and made others real human because of “Rome is not built in one day” so that students are like that we should keep and build their personalities. 


Чем хочет поделиться на форуме:

Women are the biggest gift of God to the world and gifted of brilliant mind. To insuring that, we begin for ourselves we found family, society and country. This is the best example of the base of world.

So that empower women’s are base of school feeding program, in other word women’s have best, golden idea and strategic system to school feeding process.

In those years, when women’s are expected only for house work, I have come to realize that education is the key to success. Therefore, I joined Harar TTI (teachers’ academy) and made myself one of the best teachers’ to serve my beloved country in the school. I empowered myself even though there were various discourages, ups and downs in the school of developing.

Finally I suggested that empower women are the key of learning process so that all we believe and give chance to those empower women and encourage for their work.

Что ждёт от форума:
I expect that we get a great knowledge about the international education system and share ideas about for our country education system in addition to this for better generation we give the strength because of high quality education create wise and best generation. Finally I would like to thank all of you, all members of forum coordinators, in the name of God. God bless Ethiopia. God bless our world.